Never Again; in the Wake of the two World Wars, this WAS the Consensus.

Since then, every year, the Common Wealth Nations, “Free World” Nations, The Western World, CANADA and even the United States of the Americas have come together, on the eleventh HOUR, of the eleventh DAY, OF THE ELEVENTH MONTH to remember the dead and the FRUITLESS, WORTHLESS—NOTHING LEARNED OR GAINED WARS—the wars that killed those that so loved; and were loved;—fathers, grandfathers, uncles, FRIENDS.  And, while we, every year honour the bravery and commitment of the fallen; with ceremonies and pomp; the act is not simply ceremonial—at least I most sincerely hope not. For, in Canada as well as in Europe, the SCARS, from the destruction committed, like the sacrifices made, are still very, emotionally, physically, psychologically, visibly apparent; and are continuing to become- even more so; every day.
At its core, REMEMBRANCE; LIKE LOVE REQUIRES ACTION. True remembrance; of anyone or anything must carry with it THE COMMITMENT and the PROMISE that we will LEARN from mistakes and that the dead DID NOT die uselessly; for NO reason.
As, we are all well aware, WAR IS ONCE AGAIN ROILING THE WORLD and Canada was and is involved-IN THE REASONS WHY.
Yes, the great arc of Islam-from Africa to Asia—to North America is in turmoil—turmoil which by Tony Blair’s own admission, the “ Western World” is responsible; at least in part, of creating. Syria, largely due to Canadian and United States of the Americas involvement and presence in a part of the world in which they have no earthly, or heavenly, REASON for being; is emptying. Hundreds of thousands of INNOCENTS are; yet once again; DEAD. Many millions are on the run; many millions who now; carry an even greater grudge against the “Western World” than before. This flood of humanity is; or should be taken as a warning.
Millions of “canaries “have broken out of the cages we would keep them in; and they have left the coal mine. The last time the world faced such a refugee crisis of this scope was during the Second World War.
As we remember; HOPEFULLY; more than just OUR OWN but all the fallen; in other parts of the world as well; we MUST  also remember that they all; each and every one sacrificed, fought and died for what THEY BELIEVED would be a better world.
They all sacrificed their lives in the hope of a better life for their families.

Canadians fought two World Wars;  sacrificed; and died; that tyranny, greed, THE NEED TO DICTATE-diseases of which the “Western World” is far from having a clean bill of health, innocence or immunity; would not become epidemic-HERE—IN CANADA. 
