Chicago Black Hawks and Vancouver Canucks Exchange Playing Styles.

In past years it has always been Vancouver that attempted to play the " dump the puck--chase it--so it can promptly be given away again, excited, free flowing, loose, headless chicken, hot potato, NO THINKING, style. Consequently, they always succeeded--in beating themselves and of coarse--THEY LOST.
This year; at least so far, it is Chicago that is playing that much fabled style; while Vancouver is playing; at least to some extent "heads up" hockey. And, of coarse, Vancouver is up two games.Chicago, what ever happened to passing, setting up plays, and team play.

All in all, really, so far, it has been a p*&& poor series. In spite of what the coaches and sports announcers would have you believe; definitely NOT what can be considered quality professional hockey.


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