Further Update on ICBC British Columbia's Government Sponsored; Taxpayer Funded and Owned, Insurance Monopoly/Dictatorship.

Ha ha. Hardy harr harr

Less than half an hour ago I received a call from ICBC concerning my stolen vehicle claim (vehicle stolen by Davola Girvan). Said vehicle is presently in Surrey, supposedly, (I have no way of knowing for sure where it is). The ICBC claims representative who called wanted me to stipulate a Doge dealer to where I wanted the vehicle towed. I informed him, or rather tried to, that the last time I had a key cut and programmed ($325.00 PRICE TAG) it was done at MARINE Chrysler Vancouver. So far, there has still, at least not to my knowledge been a through mechanical inspection or anything else done, except incumbent of storage charges at Surrey Unitow Impound Lot. Of course in order to fulfil their obligations concerning the coverage I have been paying premiums for, there still has to be done a through inspection of all interior parts, including rugs, upholstery, plus all switches, operating/mechanical devices, and transmission.
Before the vehicle was officially declared as stolen VPD stipulated to Davola (the person that stole the vehicle) the vehicle MUST be returned to the front of my apartment building and the key turned over to me. I would there upon accept, after doing my own damage and lose assessment personally drive it to my underground parking stall. None of this has transpired. Because, the ICBC representative  refused to listen to a word I was saying,and just kept repeating the same question over and over like a stuck record; this time, I ended the conversation.
Questions arise. Why would anyone, ICBC representative or no, with even a minimum amount of common sense, ever suggest that I might want the vehicle TOWED to a Chrysler dealership in Vancouver??? When and where are the mechanical and other inspections going to be done and necessary cleanup/repair actions completed? For the key replacement, It should be taken (driven) to the closet available dealer, which would be in Surrey. of course, any other necessary repairs other than body, would be done by my regular service centre who do all my work and are familiar with the vehicle. All necessary work done before I am even asked to accept the claim settlement; would not you say???
Finally who does ICBC and/or their claims representative think is going to pay for it all. It definitely will not be me, count on it; I am the victimized party, not the perpetrator of the criminal action THEFT OVER=Auto, and personal property. ~~Al (Alex-Alexander) D Girvan.
