From the Alian Zone???

Imagine, if you can,
a world in which a person, any person born; on the paternal side; of a grandfather of a wholly a Son of Dairada= British, Celtic, Irish, Scottish blood line; again on the maternal side; of a Scottish immigrant father- brother to paternal grandfather- married to an immigrant/refugee from the United States of North America, of mostly of Nordic blood line with possibly some remote degree native, North American, tribal blood; married to the son of fore mentioned paternal grandfather; who's wife was about sixth generation born Canadian and of a blood line almost identical to that of her husbands; who claims to be of wholly Aboriginal, First Nations, Indigenous blood. The only way this can be possible in this cosmos is if the official father-as proven by DNA, by some chance in several trillion is NOT  the biological father and another person of mixed blood is. Even if by some fluke, that were to be the case, in this world, said person would NOT be of Aboriginal, First Nations, or of Indigenous North American Status, just a nondescript hybrid/mongrel- like everyone else in this MODERN  world.~~~Al (Alex-Alexander) D Girvan.
