THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW THE SUBJECT. The “BIG” concern is not “Fossil Fuels” or “Climate Change”

Hey, not only do these (to use Patrick Head’s favourite expression)BOZOS”(above), not know what they are talking about; THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW THE SUBJECT. The “BIG” concern is not “Fossil Fuels” or “Climate Change”. Be, realistic; we are nowhere near ready to change over to “Renewable Energy” rather than FOSSIL.So-called, "Fossil" Fuels" will be the "Staple" for at LEAST THE NEXT 100 YEARS.
Even if we were, a ***Problem*** gasoline can just as easily be manufactured from vegetable matter (cattails, hem, hops, reed I’m beginning to see the light as from tar; or heavy crude. The subject is: PUT CANADA IN IT’S RIGHTFUL PLACE, AS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE UNIVERSE—AS THE “SHITKICKERS”. Canada is not a warehouse, Canadians are the most POWERFUL PEOPLE ON EARTH, they just have to decide against being helpless GREED SLAVES-NO ACCOUNT SURFS and start realising WE CANADIANS OWN ABOUT 30% all NATURAL-from Nature’s Realm. Resources. WHY THE HELL ARE WE PAYING THE HIGHEST GASOLINE PRICES IN THE WORLD???
