Consumer Reports Study Finds That Nearly all Ground Beef Sold in North America; Most Probably in the Entire Western world Has Feces= plain old SHIT, MANURE in It.

Consumer Reports Study Finds That Nearly all Ground Beef Sold in North America; Most Probably in the Entire Western world Has Feces= plain old SHIT, MANURE in It.

The megalithic federal bureaucracy known in North American  as the Departments of Agriculture is; just in the United States of North America; made up of 100,000 employees who are stationed at 4,500 locations across that area. In order to get any idea of the actual numbers, just  on the North American Continent; one must  research Canada and Mexico independently. Their mission statement, in part, reads “to promote agriculture production that better nourishes Americans.”
A recent study by Consumer Reports, however, shows that PRESUMED  nourishing of North Americans consists of the Greedy, Money Hungary, Capitalist Elite and Their Marketing Teams; feeding them ALL; deadly superbugs, food poisoning pathogens, and feces.
While it’s not surprising that governments fail so miserably in their stated mission, this recent study exhibits an unrivaled level of incompetence within this behemoth bureaucracy.
Consumer Reports tested several hundred packages of ground meat from stores across all the America, and their findings were shocking, to say the least- Haw – hah- hardy- harr- harr! As you can easily learn by- if you are reading this on Facebook- after following the link; clicking on other  pages; or if you’re are already clicked onto my website, just reading other pages.~~~Al (Alex-Alexander) D Girvan


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