The New “Baron of Beef”

Do you have any idea, at all, of what you are talking about- you know, those things that you grew up knowing, those things everybody knows ALL ABOUT; or a least likes to BELIEVE they do?

See baron 6, in Webster's New World College 

  1. in the Middle Ages, a feudal tenant of the king or of any higher-ranking lord; nobleman
  2. a member of the lowest rank of the British hereditary peerage
  3. this rank or its title
  4. a European or Japanese nobleman of like rank
  5. a man having great or absolute power in some field of business or industry; magnate: an oil baron.
  6. a large joint of meat, including the whole sirloin or both loins, with the backbone between." 
See also,baron in American Heritage Dictionary 4
  1. a. A British nobleman of the lowest rank.
    b. A nobleman of continental Europe, ranked differently in various countries.
    c. A Japanese nobleman of the lowest rank.
    d. Abbr. Bn. Used as the title for such a nobleman.
  2. a. A feudal tenant holding his rights and title directly from a king or another feudal superior.
    b. A lord or nobleman; a peer.
  3. One having great wealth, power, and influence in a specified sphere of activity: an oil baron.
  4. A cut of beef consisting of a double sirloin.
As confirmed by Webster's dictionary(the most commonly used in all of North America, Including Canada); the new "Baron of Beef" does not even come from the same primal cut as the original.

As any of you that follow my blogs on a regular basis already know, because of the “Mad Cow” scare, true Baron of Beef is no longer available on the market; even in the UK where roast beef, and it, originated. 
Also known as SIR-LOIN; the noble Baron consisted of both long loins. It might also, on very rare occasion, include part of the rump and round-but even then,only a very small part-for they are not nobility; and besides the BARON is almost always large enough without. When it is not, it is much easier and more practical to broil two than to increase the size.

The Baron would generally weigh anywhere from 100 to 200 pounds (45 to 90 kg.) and, you had to order specially from a knowledgeable butcher/meat cutter (most, in North America, would and have no more idea of what the Baron of Beef was/is, where it would be found, or, how to  cut or prepare one; than does the average consumer).

Possibly a clearer explanation; although because it was so large anyway, it was not the usual practise,(rear portion sirloin only, usual)  Baron of Beef could  contain the rump, a small portion of round, with all of both long loins; and therefore all of both fillets-it was most (some say the best)  of both the hind quarters; together. Obviously, you do not just  toss one into your grocery cart , into your home oven,or into hamburger; which is partly what made it famous. Just as the  table presentation accounts for much of the appeal of the Chateaubriand recipe, it is in the almost ceremonial, traditional carving and serving that the Baron gained fame.

The "Beef Round Baron of Beef, bone in" illustrated below, is a far cry from being The Baron; which was not all  or any portion of the round. Notably, the illustrated cut is not even the equivalent of the old “Steamship Round” Other cuts-most of which are of United States OF America origin- illustrated on the same page serve as a very good indication of “how to screw the consumer and the health-care system. Compare with the information and the meat charts I have previously posted; but then, in today's world, in which food is all mass-produced; after any meat has been mechanically tenderized and poisoned with the necessary amounts of e-coli, other bacteria, pink slime, and water: who really  cares what the bureaucrats, governments, merchandisers, and supermarkets decide to call it-it still should not be taken internally..

Information below is not my property, please follow links, for more information and to reach the (public domain), source, government(tax-payer) funded, site. 

DELIVERING RECOGNISED SAFETY AND VALUE-AND, UNDOUBTEDLY  POISONING EVEN MORE CANADIANS-14,12,2012 there has just been, yet, another, recall of contaminated meat products.???

160c Beef Round, Baron Of Beef, Bone-in-Apart from the fact that the True Baron consisted of both sides of what is shown in the illustration as the white portion between the rump/round and the rib portions (the long loins); note the very unhealthy appearance of, including fat content, colour, type, and and texture of the bone in the illustrated cut. Note this also, for all other cuts illustrated or pictured. It is my observation that although less than half the size of a true Baron; the cut illustrated below contains both rump and round; but none of the sirloin. (similar to "Steamship Round"). It is NOT even slightly similar to THE ORIGINAL BARON OF BEEF and is a different primal cut, entirely. See also Hip> Outside Round Goose Neck Commercial Beef Utilization Poster-it would seen Canadian beef may now be, legally, called most any name one chooses. THE TRUE, ORIGINAL, "BARON OF BEEF"

"This cut is generated from primal hip that has heel muscle, shank, and knuckle removed. This cut has the femur bone attached."


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